"RAVEN" by still hungry is a moving, honest but also very amusing show about modern motherhood and explores the meaning of „Rabenmütter“, a German term, which has been synonymous with bad motherhood for centuries. Consciously using this term for reinterpretation, STILL HUNGRY makes displeasure visible and reveals the uncomfortable dark sides of their own motherhood to encourage people to break with conventions and talk about contradictions.
Climbing out of their comfortable nest they will adventurously go on unconventional flights - with or without regrets, but loud and visible!
Duration: 60 minutes
Age Recommendation: 6+
Performers: Lena Ries, Anke van Engelshoven, Romy Seibt
Created by: still hungry and Bryony Kimmings
Supported by the residency program of Chamäleon Berlin, funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.
Produced by
"beautiful and spectacular... Among many other glorious qualities, Raven is particularly striking for the pitch-perfect ease with which it combines language and movement, as if the words acted as cues leading to soaring passages of movement that always add hugely to the meaning of the piece."
The Scotsman
"An excellent hour of circus, physical theatre, and dance digging into what the performers gave up, and what they refuse to let go of."
Broadway Baby
"contemporary feminist circus... strong and rousing"
EdFest Mag
"Heroes. Rock 'n' Roll goddesses."
The Circus Diaries