the Company
is a contemporary circus collective from Berlin. The three mothers Romy, Anke and Lena reunited after long years of friendship to create a piece far from classical circus. Their work is fresh, feministic, and powerful. Strong images and a good sense of humour makes their work truthfully touching and highly amusing.
For their creations still hungry cooperates with Bryony Kimmings,
a director and Performance Artist who is famous for her emotional intelligent, provocative and refreshing Style.
still hungry
Lena Ries
Lena Ries graduated at the National Circus School of Montreal in 2004 and worked worldwide in many international productions, such as Cirque Eloize, 7 fingers, New Circus Asia, Tiger Lillies, Chamäleon Theater, GOP, Wintergarten.
Her work on the aerial hoop and as a contorsionist and dancer is unique, her movement quality is skillfull and beautiful.
She is Co-Founder, Author and Performer of still hungry.
Besides her work as a circus artist, Lena works as a model for advertising and other artistic projects.

Romy Seibt
Romy Seibt, graduated from the school of performing arts "die Etage" in Berlin, specialized on partner trapeze and vertical rope. Since than she worked all over the world in many different productions, such as Festival Japan, Daidogei World Cup, Cirque du Demain Paris, GOP, Chamäleon Theater, Urbanatix, Rockcircus Switzerland.
Besides working on vertical rope, she does silks and developed a unique technique in Meteor/ juggling rope. Her physical and theatrical art is powerful and beautifully designed. She is Co-Founder, Author and Performer of still hungry. Besides that she is part of many other artistical projects in different fields.

Anke van Engelshoven
Anke van Engelshoven graduated at the school of performing arts in Berlin "die Etage" in 2001 and worked for productions like Cirque du soleil, 7fingers and Chamäleon Theater.
With a background of dance she specialized on aerial acts: solo and duo straps, trapeze, silks and chains.
Her international performances were seen in Israel, India, China, America and many other places. Anke worked in various productions with aerial straps, solos and duos. She is Co-Founder, Author and Performer of still hungry.
Her unique aerial work is dynamic and beautiful.